Where to shop for Decorating Ideas for Stellar VBS

Decorating is not my specialty and TBH it makes me cringe. I’d rather teach on stage to a group of 500+ people than decorate for a crowd. Crazy I know but when you’re *volunTOLD for many years to decorate for VBS, you find ways to improvize and help out.

#1 Brainstorm on Pinterest

Before you go out purchasing, brainstorm the decor you want to achieve. Pinterest is a great place to save your ideas. It can be tricky to find what to look for and these are the tags that brought me the best results:

Some tags to search are: “Space Birthday”, “Space Party”, “NASA Party”, “Star Party”, “Galactic Design”, “Giant Moon Backdrop”, “Astronaut Party”, “Out of this World”, ETC.

#2 Oriental Trading

If Kidmin Leaders had a go-to shop, it would be Oriental trading. However, they are an online only store so I reccommend ordering as far in advance as you can because you’re not the only church doing a space-themed VBS this year!

#3 Concorida Supply Co

Have you heard of them? They’re killer awesome at creating a FREE VBS comparison resource and also supply decor and supplies for hosting all the VBS programs. Checkout their website! You’ll not be dissappointed!

#4 Local department stores (Walmart, Hobby Lobby etc.)

Look in the party section… you’ll find some fun ballons and maybe even some cool space-themed activities.

Walmart’s Space Ideas

Hobby Lobby Space Ideas

#5 Amazon

Amazon is where most people go first. If you’re looking for a space outfit for VBS DONT look up space outfit unless you plan on looking like you’re going to a halloween party for ADULTS. Search “NASA Uniform” instead. This is where I purchased my BLUE uniform. Anyone who purchased the ORANGE uniform looked like the broke out of prison but HEY… the Astronauts use an orange uniform! So pick whatever color you like!

I hope this has helped you! Please leave us a comment if there was something new that helped you or sparked a good DIY idea for yourself!