Operating a Bilingual Kids Church with Joanna Ruiz


With 30+ years of experience, Joanna Ruiz will provide helpful information to those just starting out or looking to improve their bilingual kids ministry.

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To understand how I utilize this download, watch my Youtube video here: 
Download includes:
  • PBJ Breakfast Club Schedule
  • Sunday Schedule for Children’s Ministry
  • Surprise Bible Night Schedule/Theme
Are you wanting to start a Kid’s Ministry at your Bilingual Church? Joanna Ruiz will take us through what running a Kid’s Church in Okinawa, Japan is really like. With 30+ years of experience, everything she talks about is helpful to those just starting out or looking to improve their ministry.
Hi! I’m Hannah and I’ve been a kids church leader for 15 years. The churches I’ve lead at ranged from 4-500 kids, weekly. I’m creating YouTube videos to help my younger self, and bring different perspectives to making a kids church that’s blowing up with gospel fun.


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