5 Questions to often ask your KC volunteer team

**KC stands for Kids Church

Keep reading for tips on why each question is important.
  1. How was your week?
    -Christians aren’t robots. You, or your team, could have had the worst week imaginable. Asking about how someone’s week went gives us the opportunity to connect on a more personal level, encourage one another, and build relationships.
    -Don’t forget to follow up with any serious prayer requests or situations!
  2. How is your family?
    -Remember family member’s names. The kids are listening too and want to know if they matter at church.
  3. How can I pray for you?
    -This is a key question in building up one another at church. James 5:16, ESV, says: “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”
    -Don’t forget to follow up with any serious prayer requests or situations!
  4. What do you do for fun/recreation?
    -Keep this in mind for scheduling family events. Your volunteer might be a key person to ask for ideas, input, or feedback in the brainstorming or planning of events.
  5. What’s your favorite treat?
    -Keep this in mind for when it’s their birthday or for a Christmas gift idea.

I hope this has helped you, my friend! Keep on serving with joy and thank you for reading the KC Juice Box.

Squeeze the SUNday

Written by Hannah Jacob, This I know curriculum, copyright 2022